Kindergarten Program

*(5 to 6 years old)

At Fontanelle Academy, we understand that the selection of a kindergarten is one of the most important decisions parents make. When you entrust us with the responsibility to educate and care for your child, we rise to your expectations.

Our goal is to create a seamless and harmonious caretaking experience aligned with your family’s care routine at home.


Our Soft Spot Nourish & Care™ Method Key Features Include:

Fontanelle Academy Our Programs
A low teacher/student ratio that allows teachers to engage in one-on-one time and build an individual rapport and relationship with your child creating the safe and nurturing and productive learning environment with the consistency and support needed for children to thrive
A Collaborative Kindergarten Care Plan established between you and your child’s teacher that addresses your kindergartener’s emotional, nutritional, hygiene, and rest needs
A technology-based care log accessible to you that allows you to check-in on the daily activities and care provided to your child
WatchMeGrow, a secured and encrypted live video link that allows you to visually peek in on your preschooler throughout the day
Enriched play and care environments that allows your preschooler to engage in productive learning, navigate independently, and participate in cooperative learning with their classmates

Environments include age appropriate items that provide your preschooler socioemotional comfort, stimulate their senses, and develop cognitive skills and functions

Our Fontanelle Foundations™ Curriculum Includes:
Always There— Access to a web-based, secured portal that allows you to virtually observe your child throughout the day.

More than Words— A language development and literacy curriculum that develops your kindergartener’s verbal communication skills through interaction with others and engagement with literature. Your kindergartener will learn to read and write simple sentences. He/she will develop listening and comprehension skills.

Tiny Tots in Motion— A physical education curriculum that develops your kindergartener’s motor, perception, coordination, movement, and balancing skills, aids in healthy digestion. Physically stimulating activities include outdoor and indoor playground time, stretching, etc. designed to strengthen muscles and develop muscle memory. Optional physical extracurricular offerings include dance and yoga.

Little Diplomats— A social studies curriculum which develops your kindergartener’s social and emotional competence. Kindergarteners develop the ability to understand and regulate their emotions, understand the emotions of others, share their feelings, as well as social skills through interaction with teachers and other students via activities such as pair and group play, sharing, empathy, turn-taking, etc. They will learn the roles of a community and how to functionally participate and take on responsibility in their classroom community.

Full S.T.E.A.M Ahead— An integrated science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics curriculum designed to develop essential foundational knowledge and skills necessary for academic success. Kindergarteners develop number sense and mathematical understanding of math vocabulary, operations and functions, and measurement through one-on-one time and group play and engineering through play with building blocks and stackable objects. Also, the learn through project-based learning. Kindergarteners further their technological skills through independent use educational applications installed on tablets.

 * Our Soft Spot Nourish & Care™ method and Fontanelle Foundations™ curriculum are aligned with the National Early Childhood Program Accreditation (NECPA) Standards and the Virginia Department of Education’s Standards for Licensed Child Care Centers for educational curricular content, safety, security, and cleanliness.
Fontanelle Academy Our Programs